Thursday, May 29, 2008

What's Up With the Dear Famous Asshole *@Sugar Sweet Sunshine Posts??

[Editors Note: Eh, fuck it. This sugar sweet sunshine experiment lasted less than 24 hours and the program is being officially retired. If you want sugar sweet sunshine go hang out on the Sesame Street blog. Smiles might be contagious, but we like sucking on our tried and true big, fat, juicy bitter lollipop around here.]

Dear Everyone, ***

Ok, so on rare occasions, DFA has sometimes been accused of being a smidge too:

  • negative
  • snarky
  • mean spirited
  • horrendous
  • cunty
  • bitch-tastic
  • bitch-tubular
  • super cala fragile bitch-stic expy ala doughcious
So, in an effort to ensure that we're not dealing with an all doom and gloom show around here, we're excited to announce our DFA Sugar Sweet Sunshine post. Every so often we'll say see ya to the mean, sayonara to the snark and h-e-l-l-0 to the sugary, sweet sunshine. Please don't read between the lines here people; these shiny happy posts will contain only genuine, thoughtful comments and fair constructive criticism (though only for the person we're writing to; everyone else is off limits).

You'll know a sugar sweet sunshine post whenever you see "*@" in the post's title.

Now, smile. It's contagious.


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